The program is guided by the following research questions:
- What are the qualities, values and networks associated with civil society elites?
- How and to what extent are civil society elites reproduced?
- To what extent and how do elite groups in civil society interact, or even integrate, with other elite groups?
- By whom, on what grounds and with what effects are civil society elites challenged and power contested?
- What mechanisms and processes lead to elite consolidation or elite contestations across countries and between governance levels?
- What are the consequences of elites for the roles that civil society is expected to play?
HÃ¥kan Johansson
Professor & Principal Investigator (PI)
School of Social Work
Lund University
Mobile: +46 (0)70 849 48 67
Phone: +46 (0)46 222 09 88
Email: hakan [dot] johansson [at] soch [dot] lu [dot] se (hakan[dot]johansson[at]soch[dot]lu[dot]se)
Our studies provide the basis for the first systematic analysis of the composition of elite groups within civil society, and their potential integration with other elite groups. This will be of greatest importance with regard to critical reviews on the role and function that civil society (can) play in current politics and its potential in representing causes and beneficiaries.
See the following presentations for more information: